As Others Hear Us

Extracts from EM Delafield's 1937 Miscellany.
Insanely, this is out of print, but still obtainable in 2nd hand bookshops (try

Last Instructions

Lorna dear, I can't tell you how grateful I am. It's going to make the whole difference to my trip. Remember: I give you absolute authority and leave you in sole charge.  You're to be responsible for everything, and your decisions are final.
  I've spoken to the servants, and I daresay they'll be all right really, only you'll have to be careful.  Better let Cook go her own way whatever happens, or she'll give notice...
  Now about the children.  You are to be the sole  authority.  If any of them get ill, wire to me at once, wherever I am.  If it's dangerous, just say Dangerous, and I shall understand.  If one of them dies - of course I hope they won't, but you know what I mean - just put So-and-so died, simply.  I shall understand...If you were in some frightful difficulty - the house on fire, or any emergency - better ring uncle William. I've put his address and telephone number on the lasti leaf of the little red calendar in the top left-hand drawer of the little walnut bookcase on the landing outside the door of the night nursery...
  I've written down all the instructions about the children, and you must use your own discretion about letting them pay visits.  I don't want either of the boys to go anywhere without me, really, and I don't think Jane would be happy paying any visit at all...
  If any of them get ill, put them to bed. You'd better ask their grandmother's advice, becasue otherwise she'll be hurt, but don't go by what she says, whatever it is....
  Remember, I trust everything to you.